Saturday, April 29, 2006

American Dreamz Sucks!!

Well at least the first twenty minutes, after that I walked out. Of the ten other folks in the movie my wife and myself were the only ones not laughing. I am as yet still unable to laugh at GWB. I am as yet still unable to laugh at terrorist in this country jokes. I still have respect for the Office even if my respect for the man is waning.

We snuck into see the Sentinel. Two thumbs up! Good movie lot o' action well developed plot.

At least Wag the dog got a person thinking, AD just makes fun, and not very well.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Goodbye My Katie

Via Malkin

I have always thought of Katie Couric as an overacheiving twit. Admittedly she is attractive, but all style, no substance. I don't think she has the moxie to be an anchor, even of CBS. Lets face it, no matter what we think of CBS, it is the big time, the show. I am going on record here and now, she will go down in flames in less than a year.

Plus, she has little boy hands. Yuk.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My presidential approval rating: 10%

via Malkin
GWB has lost what ever mind he had. I am so disgusted with this president I can't begin to describe it. I have posted on this before but I think he has lost me for good this time. GWB will stick to his guns on all the wrong things and then fail to stand up for this country time and again. Iran, Venezuela, and several other banana republic tin hats are bending us over and having their way with us. What happened to mandate? What happened to we will fight terrorism and it's supporters anywhere? What has he done with all the political capitol we gave him? What about Social Security? What about IRS overhaul?

He has lost his way and taken America, the greatest country on earth, with him.

Of this I cannot be sure.

I love these guys. I have always liked Heath ledger in a non-gay way.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Trivia Question of the week

What was the name of the vessel that carried Ahab to safety?

Since none of you pansies knew, it was Queequeg's coffin.

Out bitches.

Monday, April 17, 2006

My new gun lock is a POS

I just bought a new beretta neos .22cal. I love the feel of this gun and I cannot wait until this weekend to shoot it.

The reason I am writing this is two fold.
First, I bought the gun at Bass Pro Shops. They were very helpful and knowledgeable. Of course it helps when you go in knowing exactly what you want and have already done all the research. That being said, as far as their knowledge went they were willing to give. But, they keep all of their guns secured with these pitiful plastic trigger locks. Very plastic and very generic. One size fits all approach. I showed the person behind the counter how ineffective this type of device was and he agreed that they were a waste but company policy prevailed. After you buy a gun there you have to carry it to customer service to get the lock removed. Let me repeat what I just said, I had to ask a child behind the counter at customer service to remove the worthless triggerlock from the gun I had legally purchased almost twenty minutes before. He did his job well, he asked for my ID and for the receipt, which I showed him no problem. But then it happened, he said to one of the other children behind the counter that he would never have a pistol in his house. He said they were of no use for "huntin'" so he would have no part of them. Since he was very obviously under 21 I did not bother to ask him if he thought a carry piece for personal protection was useful. I left the store shaking my head.

Second. I got home and proceeded to remove all the extra crap that comes in most new gun boxes and came across the "State of California Certified gun lock". This device at first glance looks pretty good. A nice color(I am a cowboys fan) and seemingly well constructed. As soon as I tried to unlock it however, I was shocked to find that it barely functioned and in fact would hardly lock at all. It seems that someone tried to use a bike type locking mechanism and fit into a square lock body. The key looks like it comes in a crackerjack box and after two attempts I was able to unlock it using only a jumbo paper clip and a small flat screwdriver. I am not sure what you have to go through to be "certified" in the state of california but let me assure you this thing is a POS. I think that anyone using this device is getting a false sense of security and I also will bet that at some point this will come back to haunt the manufacturer of these pitiful devices. This type of device is nanny state run wild. It gives the impression of security while not actually securing anything. Crappy stuff like this let folks abdicate their responsibility to keep their firearms safe. I am willing to bet that since gunlocks have been shipped with new guns that no less accidental deaths have occurred. I cannot put my hands on these figures right now. I get conflicting figures. I suppose it matters how you define accident.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Oh hell no, you did not go there.

President turban tumblefuck of Iran has, by the AP account, just declared war on Israel. He stated that they would be annihilated and the he would do it. I wonder what the world reaction would be if Bush said I am going to wipe France off the map? I think "shitstorm" would accurately describe it. At this point I have seen no other head of state try to put this feeble bastard in his place. Well, I guess we can say I told you so.

Get 'em Youssef.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


is that plagiarism?

I love these guys.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sorry about the lack of posts

wife out of town and keeping up with the kids.