Ok, What the Fu** is up with all this immigrant sh**?
How can people not understand/realize this. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.
applying common sense to your ridiculous argument much to your chagrin
So why exactly are we making it EASIER for illegals to get into our country?? What could possibly be the reason for this? Why don't we make it easier for criminals to escape prison or easier for pedophiles to find little children. All of theseCritics also say migrants may die crossing the 175-foot-wide
canal because the concrete lining will deprive desperate swimmers of tall
grasses to grab. Although the canal appears calm, migrants who cram onto
inflatable rafts can be swept away by a fierce undercurrent.
Nine people died in the canal last year, down from 29 in 2001, according to the Imperial County coroner's office. The drop tracked a shift in border crossings to Arizona as the U.S. government heightened enforcement in California. The coroner's office says canal drownings could rise if California ever regains favor among illegal border crossers. To prevent such deaths, crews will build ladders 750 feet apart on both sides of the concrete lining to give desperate swimmers something to grab.
things are against the law and yet they get very different treatment. I think the CSP is coming more and more to becoming a reality. I think a viable third party candidate does have a chance based on border security alone.
I would never have an abortion, obviously. That being said, I cannot get behind restricting others rights to do so. This seems contradictory to a free society. Freedom has cost.
I sometimes have a hard time with paradoxes just like this. Each and every time I fall on the side of individual freedom. Every time. I know this seems hypocritical. Being for allowing someone to do something I am totally against but, Freedom, freedom, freedom. This is the foundation on which all, ALL, of my beliefs are based.
So, if you want to get an abortion I will vigorously defend your right to do so while at the same time let you know that if you do, you are pretty much fucked.
Those of us who are self described "gun nuts" also spend a lot of time and energy being prepared for thing that have a very small chance of occurring, but, how do you prepare for not being able to cross a river? This would shut down almost all of our nations commerce. If stores cannot get product they can't sell it. Picture going to the grocery store and the shelves being empty. Now I figure most folks who read this blog are calm and collected enough that this would not send them into another dimension of fear, but we are the minority I assure you. Total panic would ensue. We would all be forced to fall back on ourselves to take care of our own families. Then we will see who is better prepared.
Wow, as I reread the last two sentences they sure do seems off the chart in the paranoid department, but I wrote it and there it will stay. I still believe it to be true though.